Saturday, 9 April 2011

R.I.P Grand National Horses

I'm saddened to learn about the death of two racehorses in today's Grand National race. So sorry you died on this sunny day with people cheering and shouting, and millions of people watching on TV.

I used to think that having a flutter on the gee-gees once a year was a bit of fun, and a way to make a quid or two.  I used to be really lucky actually, and always won something every year, whether it was an Each Way bet or on the office sweepstake.

But now I never bet on horse-racing and I never watch it.  I am actually opposed to it.  Many people see it as a bit of harmless fun, sport from which they stand a chance of making a quid or two.  A place they can go for a special occasion and quaff champagne and wear a smart outfit. I've been to the races a few times in the past, on hen do's or point-to-point meets.

Then one day I came across an article about horse-racing - I cant remember what the article was now.  But it got me thinking about it.  Yes the horses are well looked after, yes they are generally loved and also yes, these are horses that the arverage horse owner could not look after as they are too highly strung.  However these animals are bred and kept with the sole goal of horse-racing. 

Quite apart from the animals that die and sustain serious and potentially life-threatening injuries through racing (not to mention the whipping), there is also the breeding and destruction and neglect of countless other horses, all in the name of racing.

Animal Aid has an interesting article on its webpage, and I am sure like me, you will find it incredibly sad and tragic.


Welcome to my blog.  I guess its a blog, essentially, about ethics, life, the world, and ourselves.

This blog centres around my passion for animals, the environment, people, health, social functioning and other important issues.  I'm not trying to say what's right and what's wrong, but trying to encourage greater consideration of issues that we tend to take for granted.  I think generally as people we think "x is the norm, so lets keep doing x".   We can think about things differently, we can do things differently - or we can at least just talk about them.

I know that I am not the only person that thinks about stuff from a different perspective, or who reads deeper in to things than what the newspapers and celebrities have to say.  It may make me unpopular, it may make me a mockery, but everything needs a balance....and thats where The Wider Context comes in.

I guess I start from this standpoint - I am a vegan, who cares about animal welfare (particularly pet rabbit welfare), who cares about the planet, and who cares about other people.  I'm reluctant to use the word political - as politics divides and alienates people so easily, like its not about you and me - but I guess there is a political edge to some of what's important to me.

So anyway the blog will just run and we'll see how it goes.  I'll likely end up editing this welcome page as it becomes more obvious throughout its development what really makes me tick.

Thanks for reading, and catch you soon.